Sunday, July 7, 2013

I felt like writing something today

                      Writing for writing's sake

          Have you ever just felt like doing something that you enjoy doing but haven't done in awhile?  
That is what I felt doing today. I don't in which  direction this entry will go, but I will write it any way. There were things I promised my self I would not write about when I started this blog among them are politics and celebrities. But I am changing my views on the subject. 
       Both politicians and most celebrities are over paid elitists who wouldn't know how to live outside of Washington D.C. or Hollywood without assistants, an expense account and/or lobbyists telling them what to do. It angers me when the president can tell us to tighten our belts and shut down tours of the white house because they can't afford to pay the people to conduct those tours but still go on a 100 million dollar vacation to Africa at the tax payers expense. The Man is nothing but a hypocrite  and an elitist of the highest order.

      Paula Deen admitted to using racial slurs thirty years ago and all of her sponsors and business partners drop her like a hot potato, but Alec Baldwin can send out a tweet threatening violence and calling someone a "Toxic Queen" and you hear nothing from the same people who called for Paula Deen's destruction. What a bunch of lousy, ignorant, hyper sensitive ,hypocritical, politically correct, Judgmental, mental midgets. What is worse admitting to something that happened thirty years ago or getting caught red handed threatening to F someone up and calling  him a derogatory name less than a week ago? I'll let you decide.

   I know my views will not line up with some of your, but what is going on here? Has political correctness replaced common sense? 

     I must be " Old School" because I still believe there are consequences for our actions, accountability  for our deeds , and punishments for our wrong doing. I know I will catch some backlash for this but I am tired of seeing good people destroyed simply for the sake of political correctness and political expediency. Christians are attacked because of their stance on Gay marriage and are called homophobic and hateful and all manner of vile and disgusting things by the people who expound tolerance and love. I see Christians and conservatives (there is a difference) attack the left with the same vitriol as the left attacks the them. Does it do any good?  Does the name calling  and the verbal punches  accomplish anything? Maybe I am preaching to the converted or maybe I'm spitting in the wind. But there has got to be an Aha moment where we say to ourselves" Lets stop this and find some common ground and see if we can compromise" if not then it will remain the status quo and this country will divide along the lines of political and religious lines even more so than it already is.
             I'm done venting and I will say thank you for all who read this blog entry. May you find some inspiration in may words or at least think about them.

                                              Don Parnell

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