Saturday, April 2, 2011

Storm Debris waiting to be cleared.


     I was looking out my window facing the backyard and the limbs from the ice storm this past winter are still mostly where they fell during said storm, some broken and bent limbs still hanging on to the tree almost like they are saying I’m still part of you.Others are strewn on the ground and still others are in piles waiting for someone to pick it up and use for mulch or fire wood.The scene sparked a kernel of an idea,what if we allow the debris from the storms of the past to still be part of our psychological landscape, the damage of past relationships ,our past addictions,even grief that you been holding on to for years.Will those things clutter your thinking and your psyche so much that it would be hard to live and think without that psychological debris getting in the way?Think about if you do not clean up after a storm you will have rubbish laying in your yard attracting bugs,and snakes and it could damage your grass or other parts of your landscaping .Imagine what those hurts and pains of your past are doing to you not just to you psychologically part how you physically live your life.I do not know about you, but for me  it has caused me to live in fear .I never reached my fullest  potential because I was afraid ,not of success but of failing again, so I gave up on being more and making more of myself even though I knew I had more to give.

      I wanted to make this blog into my personal struggle with Asperger’s.I will try to write more about my day to day life in future blogs.

                                                                                                                      Thank you and God bless you,

                                                                                                                               Don Parnell

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