March 27,2011
This is the first time I have written about my life in such a public forum ,I will try and not bore you all.First my background I have been married for 14 years and have an eight year old girl with Autism .In those 14 years I have had over 60 jobs , 2 separations and hundreds of arguments and fights.I have also had 3-4 bouts of severe depression 2 of which were longer than 4 months in duration.This past week my diagnosis was Asperger`s syndrome.For those who don`t know what that is ,it is part of the Autism spectrum and is sometimes called "high functioning Autism".It effects social interaction,coupled normally with an inability to read social and bodily cues throw in high intelligence and you have me.
For most my life I searched for the answers of why I am the way I am,crying out to God for those answers and being mad at Him and the world when those answers didn`t come.Now that I have the answer I have waited for it all makes sense now the loneliness,never having any friends,feeling left out in even within my own family.I do not blame my family or anybody else for that matter,I just lived it because I did not know how to live any other way.
I want to thank you for reading and hopefully you will come to understand the struggles that people who are on the spectrum deal with everyday.
God bless
Glad you started your blog honey! :)